Sunday, May 13, 2018


Pictures still not gonna come thru. Sorry.
I was told this week, that if you haven't been to Mbare, you haven't been to Zimbabwe. Which I later realized is basically true.  We went to the most ghetto parts of our ghetto area and it was crazy.  Volumes could not depict the things you see.   Walkin thru dirt roads with a wide variety of trash scattered all over the place, a stream of sewage running along the road cascading thru potholes and peoples front "yards". Everyone staring at me, yelling "murungu", chickens wandering around like they own the place, kombis and taxis flying thru the road splashing the sewage and driving with 15 more people than the capacity.  Mamas cooking sadza or washing their screaming children and drunkards singing and dancing to zim dance music in the streets and wanting to talk to us and ask us for money.  hahaha all of this just happening at the same time and we just casually walk thru like theirs no problem.  I walked into this set of super old flats the other day and as we walk up the stairs this group of kids starts forming behind us compiled of all those who saw me and then they follow us chanting, "murewa murewa murewa" haha which means "Baboon, baboon, baboon" (for some reason thats what they call white people lol.)
Also, the bishop gave us a ride to this one area and he's like, Okay guys so never come here after 6:00 hahahhaa 

So thats ghetto life for you. lol.
Just hilarious the different things that happen in a day.
We had to do a lot of contacting this week which allowed me to meet a wide array of strange people.  Met like 3 people that belong to a CHRISTIAN faith that doesnt.....wait for the bible........ how can one believe in the Savior and not read the Bible hilarious conversations.  I'm like so where do you learn about Jesus Christ if you dont read the bible?  he says, "Our prophet teaches us"  Im like okay what does he teach you about. "Jesus Christ" That is great so where does your prophet learn about Jesus? ".... he reads the bible and then tells us" wait, he reads the bible, and then tells you not to read the bible? "Yes" hahahahaha okay cool man we'll see you around.
Just nonsense.  To each his own but sometimes it surprises me what people are teaching.
Not only making people look silly with the gospel but also at the gym.  The other day when we went, the guys were benching this weight and I was doing other things but one of them was like, "Anderson, can you do this weight?" im like "Man you know I can do this" and then he's like, "Ohhhh okay prove it" hahaha so I push him aside and crank out like 6 reps and they were all doing like 2 or 3. hahaha I stand up and look at him. he's like, "okay okay okay" hahahahahaha
There's a sister in my district named Sister Keck and I found out she went to Madison and was at the game when Centennial lost to Madison because of a last second shot. hahaha small world.
Seems like right as i got here, all the progressing investigators stopped progressing. Don't know how my presence couldve changes that hahaha pretty lame.  No worries tho. 
We getta skype next week... thats weird. My last skype.  So yeah we will do that this coming Sunday at around 4 pm here.
Thats all she wrote. 
Stay tuned for the next episode. 
Tune in each Monday at 1pm Zimbabwean Standard Time

Stay Steady Grindin'
Elder Anderson

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