We toooootally saw some dude on rollerblades the other day.... The funniest thing ever. Came around the corner deep in our ghetto area and some guy is struggling to ride his rollerblades on the dirt and pothole roads. We stop next to him and start talkin to him and his name is Wonder (lol) and he has friends in Australia who sent him the blades because he has a developing passion for skating. Not really interested in us but just hilarious to see someone skating in Mufakose.
We met this girl named Rufaro (which means "happiness" for those who would like to know). She seemed not even close to interested and then my companion shared a verse from Alma 5 about the judgement day and she was hooked and really opened up to us about helping her and it was awesome! She's super cool.
Had exchanges with some elders this week and I got to be with Elder Ntshangase again and it was awesome. Missed that guy. Forgot how funny he was. True homie. Also got to go with Elder Mutema (a zimbabwean) and it was awesome. It was cool working with a Zimbabwean! Never done it before surprisingly there arent a lot of zim missionaries here. Most of them get called out of the country.
Also, Vuyelwa came to church with her kids! Sooo cool! She's awesome. Her kids had a blast too. Primary teachers here know how to do primary classes. Got it down to a science. Shout out to primary teachers. Hands down to them. Who wants to bet money thats going to be my first calling when I get home? haha. Anyways Vuyelwa is our only investigator right now really progressing towards baptism and she's doing great. Reading the Book of Mormon almost every day and we hope to baptize her and her daughter this month!
We were cruisin thru the area and passed a house wear there were these mamas shelling maize and there was a kid who threw a bunch of it in a bag and was beating the living tar out of it with a club-lookin stick. So we stop and my comp was eager to try it so he just starts choppin at this bag with the stick to shell the maize inside and it was hilarious. the baba there was dying but we invited him to church and he came hahahahaha new contacting idea beating peoples bags of corn. His name is Samuel and he seemed really happy to be there at church and told us was coming again next time. That'd be awesome but hilarious if he ends up progressing.
Not a whole lot else to talk about this time. I guess I read something cool this week in the Book of Mormon in 2 nephi 26 or somethign like that that talks about how the Lord does nothing save it be for the benefit of his children. And as I pondered, I realized that the Lord has no free time or spare time to do things for himself and to lounge around and watch the Office haha but everthing that he does is for us. 100 percent of his efforts are to help us. Brought a lot of gratitude for me and I hope we all realize the same thing that everything he does is for us and to make us happy.
Love the scriptures.
Love you guys too. Have a good week.
Stay Steady Grindin
Elder Anderson
Sister Mahuni. My mom in this area. She let me wear her hat lol. the funniest woman in Mufakose.
Divine, Sister Mahuni's son. This kid is crazy.
2 things to highlight here. The kombi screaming by with the conducter hangin out the window and the young thug ridding at the back for free haha. And the band stack of mattresses.
1234 continues to follow me around. crazy. still see 12:34 on the clock almost every day.
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